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The Forum

A Place to Connect - Commit - Act

The Forum Is a site for people who wish to do something, about something.  It doesn’t matter what condition you wish to improve, only that you identify it, accept the fact that you can create change, and take action to this end. Here’s how. Read our Stories; Share your Own. Our goal is to facilitate action by providing a site where people can connect with others and share stories of personal commitment and all ..  Learn More


The Middle of Impossibility

Writer: Stanley W. OdleStanley W. Odle

Updated: Mar 12, 2023

This story, “The Middle of Impossibility,” is set in the Wildlife West Animal Sanctuary of Edgewood, New Mexico. It began during the 2019 Christmas holidays, and was completed in December of 2021. I am

publishing it here on The Forum as possibly the most realistic and descriptive example to date of the Forum’s goals and objectives.

The people, and animals, you are about to meet, all exist. Their stories are honest and often emotional. These stories begin with the rewards and risks of volunteering, yet soon gather the momentum of additional concepts, in the end drawing together in a surprisingly simple yet hopefully provocative manner.

As author of the article, I labored to understand and accurately present each person’s purpose here. It was my intention to bring the reader to the moment, and allow each one to experience and conclude what they might. I will say that my feelings at the end of the interview process were remarkably different that those I held at the beginning.

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