award-winning writer, producer & educator
Stanley Odle is 78 years old, living with his wife Mary in Northwest Washington State. They have three children who live in New Mexico. Stan grew up in Southern California, attending Venice High School, South Torrance High School, and El Camino Junior College in Torrance. At 20 he enlisted in the U.S. Army where he attended Armor Officer’s Candidate School, leaving the service as a captain. During his service time Stanley held the position of platoon leader, company executive officer, company commander, battalion personnel officer, brigade assistant intelligence officer, and battalion trial counsel. As trial counsel Odle represented the U.S. Government as a prosecutor in special courts martial.
After the service Stan attended the University of Southern California where he was awarded a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, with a minor in Philosophy. His major interest was comparative psychology: the study of psychological and communication aspects common to mankind and other animals.
Upon graduation Stan moved to Washington State and was married. He developed a deep interest in video production and after five years proposed the concept of The Homeland Project to the Soviet Union’s Central Studio of Documentary Film. The concept was accepted and a four-and-a-half year collaboration began. The project had to overcome innumerable difficulties to produce their stated product: a program produced by a mixed team of Soviets and Americans, filmed in both countries, edited to a single version and broadcast world-wide on the same day.
In December 1988 the first Homeland Project film was aired. The team’s criteria had been fulfilled. Other episodes were produced and the series received major awards and noteworthy acclaim. For Odle, the chief reward came at a Russian restaurant during the filming of the second episode. It was the first of May and the production team had spent the day watching Soviet military exercises in fabled Red Square. Sitting at a small table that evening, Odle noticed a man detach himself from a nearby group and approach. The man knelt and with heavy accent said, “Are you the man on television, the one from the United States?”
“Yes,” Odle said.
“I am from Romania. Keep making these films; we need them now…”
Homeland continued through the dissolution of the Soviet Union, realizing a viewership of over 150 million people world-wide.
Stanley went on to attend the University of Washington’s highly acclaimed Writing the Screenplay Program, and to teach video production, screenwriting, and literary writing at the college level. In 2010 Stan received his Master of Fine Arts degree in Writing from the University of Nebraska, and has since been invited back to lecture. He is now continuing with The Chaperone, a work of fiction dealing with loneliness, inauthenticity, and a gathering rage, as well as a memoir of his search for his uncle and namesake, an Army officer who was killed during the Second World War. Stanley is also continuing with Homeland Project videos, addressing present day national concerns for distribution on social media.
Odle is a black belt martial artist, winning a national sparring championship at the age of 59. He holds a U.S. Patent and considers himself fortunate to live with the people and animals he loves. He kept wolves for 22 years, and his special friends now are two young Red Foxes, Ricky and Violet who, along with the wolves, have taught him that the strongest communication is often silent.

Stanley is grateful for the experiences of his life: from growing up in the unforgettable ‘60’s, through years in the Army during a troubled time, and into the communication of possibilities on a global level. The military provided events that evolved into his creative non-fiction novel, In Search of a Soldier. He coached girls soccer for twelve years, and from this came the inspiration for The Chaperone.
Stan continues to write of concerns close to his heart. The coming piece on volunteerism, which begins with a solitary winter visit to an animal sanctuary in central New Mexico, and follows a curving path to the animals, volunteers, and unexpected discovery of what happens when you give—and appreciate—freely, reflects this interest.